Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bare Feet, Happy Feet!

My camera is playing games with me. Keep asking me to change battery pack even if I charged it an hour ago:( Hence I'm a bit sad. I think I have to pay a visit to it's doc.

But hey, I'm happy too!! How else would I have come across these pictures if I did not into my collection to see if I have some "happy" little feet waiting to be picked! :)I'm linking this post to iheartfaces and this week's theme is Feet.

Rayd and Nael are my twin nephews and are very special to me. Rida is only 3 months younger than them. We visited them when they were in India almost ten months ago. What a sweet riot it was at home! Our house looked like a nursery with cute cute things all around!

"2 & 4 Little Feet!"

Rida flanked by her brother's Ryad and Nael on either side. The "10 and 20 little toes" as I love to call , flapped and flapped and brought much happiness in our lives!

That's my daughter, the go-getter! Crawls, stands,tip-toes then grabs!


Aaba-Daaddy said...

Oh my lil angel's feet...I miss them ...good post sam

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